Thursday, November 04, 2010

Thursday night opening

Tonight me and my son Max went to the opening of Kristina Schmid's exhibition at Galleri 1. It is the perfect exhibition for bringing a kid - dreamy and a bit scary. To me it is like a fairytale, but quiet. Frozen. Odd, but with a certain sense of humour.

I had never met Kristina before tonight. But I've interviewed her for my blog. It's always very interesting to meet someone for the first time when you have made yourself an image of that person only through e-mails... [And no - I didn't recognise her in the gallery. I had pictured her differently]


marie-louise said...

Åh, ser ju super spännande ut!

Gisizee said...

Alexandra, it is so gracious of you to introduce us to this work - it is amazing and I would never have known of it otherwise! Many thanks.

Anonymous said...

i've been without internet for a while and haven't been able to read you as much as i'd like. your stuff is still really great! i love it.

Christine Clemmensen said...

meget spændende kunstner. Hvad syntes din søn?