To me, the year of my Art as Business series has been immensely helpful; I’ve been thinking things through, I’ve set and met deadlines – and above all I’ve gotten better organized and really started to say NO to projects that wouldn’t lead anywhere and to much of the voluntary work I used to do for artists’ organization before. I do not take commissions or teach art classes without getting a good pay – and above all I VALUE MY TIME MORE.

This Autumn I will have two separate exhibitions (October, November), I will give some workshops in connection to one of the exhibitions, I will give some screen printing workshops and guest teach a full week (gotten more days this year), and I will coordinate some art seminars and networking days. My calendar is full until December (of course I also scheduled concentrated work in the studio) and I will have enough incomes to manage until at least February (December-February = studio work). If something else turns up it has to be damn good for me to squeeze it in.
Compared to a year ago I would say I’ve moved up a level and I’ve gotten extra abilities and knowledge. I’ve also learned that to concentrate on getting more public commissions will not be my way… [update in September: I got a public commission. Note to self: patience!]
I will continue with my Art as Business Series, but in a different way. There will be more interviews and I will make an effort to write about the very sensitive and difficult subject “networking as an artist”. But above all I would like to know if there is something special you would like me to write about?
Bra! För min del får du gärna fortsätta i samma stil, men gärna mer om konstnärligt nätverkande. Och så är jag lite nyfiken på gallerivärlden i Göteborg.
I'm very glad that good things are coming your way, Alexandra. Here's to a better year!
(whatever you decide to write about on your art as business posts is fine with me: you always put your finger on something really interesting!)
Hvor er det skønt at høre, at det går dig godt. Og at du har fået så meget ud af AaB. Jeg beundrer dig dybt for at have den stamina du har - at du holder på med at tænke, udvikle og skrive om dine erfaringer. Det er superspændende og altid lærer jeg noget nyt, noget som jeg ikke selv havde tænkt på.
Jeg er ikke kunstner som sådan, men grafisk designer, så det er nok lidt anderledes, men en ting jeg kan nikke genkendende til er betydningen af NETVÆRK! Alle mine jobs får jeg gennem netværk. Uden undtagelse.
Jeg har ingen preferencer undtagen een: gør som du gør, vær som du er. Jeg er ivrig og begejstret læser af AaB - som du tænker den.
Fortsat god vind, og grattis på et flot og arbejdsfyldt efterår og vinter
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Please say yes...thank you!
Saying No to projects doesn't always come easily to me but I think I am getting better at it. Networking!? Now there is something I need a few pointers on.
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