David Stiernholm and Navid Modiri inaugurated Sharea
So last Friday I went to Sharea (share + area) to spend a day in the atmosphere of giving and receiving...
Interesting, but not in the way intended. Social media (twitter of course!) was very present and everyone took photos with their phones all the time. The idea is good - everyone comes and shares something they can do - and get to take part of what the others are sharing. The "fun thing" though, was that no one was interested in what the others could teach/show them... Almost everyone just wanted to show what they could do, or interested in how they could market themselves better and be more visible (the age of facebook!). I saw people who just showed up for the lecture they were to give (but they had to see the one before and after as well, to be able to prepare and to not be totally impolite)
... so everyone had to chase people to get spectators. Aprox 160 people were participating and there were 5 rooms for lectures/workshops... but many had just 5-7 spectators... I stayed at some really boring unprepared lectures just because I felt sorry for the person and didn't want to leave in the middle! There were some interesting lectures/workshops though, but unfortunately everyone had gotten their time reduced to 15 minutes instead of the 30 minutes initially promised which meant that it was over just when it started to get interesting.
I think the idea of sharea is good, but that it should be with a more specific theme or a targeted group - and longer time per person
and breaks in between! And a proper audience would be good - maybe invite some people to just be spectators?
Good lectures/workshops I attended:
Carl Johan Engberg, who has a film productions company named Stavfel, had a really interesting presentation. Luckily the guy supposed to lecture before him didn't show up - so Carl Johan got 30 minutes for his presentation!
Idriz Zogaj, a memory pro, had a workshops on how you can improve your memory buy using visual or crazy associations and all your senses - or through constructing a story.
Bente Wikmar, an artist, showed a film about an orphanage in Thailand for children with Aids. She has been going there every year for the last 10 years to help out.
And what did I do then? I had originally prepared for a 30 min workshops (but had now only 15 minutes) where everyone was supposed to make a separate drawing following certain rules. Every paper had marks and instructions to afterwards fit together like a puzzle and make a large drawing. Unfortunately 5 minutes for sketching didn't give the best of results, but it was evident that the idea worked.
a part of our large drawing