As I base most of my work on advertising and mass media imagery I find most of my starting points in magazines like Elle and Vogue. Lately I've been working on a
series of drawings accompanied by quotations. These drawings have been appearing now and then here on my blog. To me it is a world so far from the one I live in. It is also an ideal that the mags are selling and many people are striving for. I find it both amusing and somehow sad.
I do not only find the women I draw in the mags, but also their quotations. (yes - it is true!) Only one of the quotations has been slightly altered - can you guess which one?
Tomorrow I'll let you in on how I work with my children's book project.
oj, jag har missat några inlägg, spännande att se din process!
Hi, great to hear about how you develop your ideas! Congrats to the magazine presentation, looks really posh! I love that pic "She sells shells"! Have seen the original of course, too!!!
I meant to tell you how much I love this series. The line drawings are fabulous and the quotes hilarious!
Please keep on!
Thanks. I wanted to share my processes because I love to see others!
i find these series very funny, and I didn't doubt the quotes were true... ;)
So enjoying hearing how you approach your work... fascinating. A little more, please.
Det var kul att se...man hade ju anat, men i alla fall. Och visst är det en konstig värld!
Men jag kollar också i samma tidningar med min yngsta dotter och får själv mycket inspiration till frisyrer och kläder.
Du tecknar så bra, vilket flöde i din linje...intressant vad som kommer i morgon:)
great, so glad you're sharing thought process on this series i like sooo much! :)
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