I've had a day of total flow in the studio. I finally finished this big (ca 90x60 cm) watercolour/acrylic and started a new one that feels very promising. Alice in Wonderland - one of the influences for this painting - pops up now and then in my art. Sometimes the reference might just be a bunny. Normally I'm more influenced by the story then the illustrations - but this time I had
Sir John Tenniel's original illustrations in the back of my head when painting.
Maria Heed's prints has also something "Wonderlandish"over them. Unfortunately she's not showing that many of them on her website. I share drawer with her at
Grafik i Väst - an artist run gallery and bank of prints (is that the way to express it?). Every member has a portfolio of prints that you can come and have a look at. Anyway - me and Maria Heed are sharing drawer so of course I check out her prints at a regularly basis.
she really looks whispy, like she is not concerned with "being" but lives on the inner place of dreams.
You have me thinking about many different kinds of heroes. ... there are so many kinds, in literature the everyday (wo)man as hero takes on an important place for contemporary writing.
yes mansuetude, when you start thinking about it - you just keep associating and associating and ...
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