Wednesday, May 12, 2010

time for a decision

The first two days of this week I spent in my studio sketching and cutting papers like crazy to finally decide what I will make for the Fishes and Birds project. One print should be for the harmonica book which is the main idea for the travelling exhibition, but we should also preferably complement the book with more prints (under the same theme) - for those galleries where we will get more space. As a start we have already three booked exhibitions in the Netherlands for the project.

And - YES, I came to a decision and I will now make 3 screen prints!


Esti said...

The idea of that project is great. I wish it's come near me.

Aris said...

so excited to see! Wonderful drawings!!!!

Anonymous said...

wonderful drawings! good luck with the project :)

●• Thereza said...

always so nice to see your work in progress.
the fishes and birds theme is such a lovely one too, isn't it?! :)

Veja cecilia said...

ser fram emot att se resultatet!