My idea was to make an animal for each one of the 11 building and give them a different colour tone for the 2-4 entrances/building. Animals are motives easy to understand and appeal to all ages. I chose to depict Swedish wild animals to connect the art pieces with the surroundings. I sketched the motives in indian ink to make the animals simplified and easy to read.
Here you can see the 19 sketches I gave the board to chose between. Three of the animals come in two versions. Which 11 animals do you think they should chose? Or maybe easier; which ones shouldn't they take?
Hm, skatan och hararna säger jag direkt!
my favorites are the bear, fox, moose and the wolf. i really like bears though...i would go all bear if i could. a polar bear would be really cool. bears are awesome!
Du är så bra på det här!
Jag tycker om mullvaden och... nu kommer jag inte ihåg vad det var... den brevid mullvaden och hararna
de är verkligen livfulla! björnen är väldigt fin, och mullvaden:)
I really like the magpie (and I don't really like birds), and quite a few of the other ones (rabbits, bear, fox etc)..
I'm glad someone else has to choose, I wouldn't be able to!
The squirel and mole are my favorites!
c'est difficile à dire, ils sont tous beaux. mes préférés sont la corneille (je ne cnnais pas le nom de cet oiseau chez vous), la taupe, l'ours,le renard, les lapins et le putois (dernière). quel beau projet!
love the Lynx!! (lodjuret)
i love the fox, the rabbit, the bird... well, all of them really...
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