Monday, January 25, 2010

the brief

I've now and then been posting some photos of my sketches for a commission job for a Tenant Owners' Associations, but I haven't let you in on the whole story. Now I will.

This Tenant Owners' Associations consists of 11 buildings (apartments) with all together 38 entrances (8 buildings with 4 entrances, 3 buildings with 2) and was built in the 1960's. Some years ago they changed the door bell system and got an ugly hole where they put a metal plate instead. Now they wanted to know if I could put an art piece there. They had seen the enamels I made in 2008.

Preferably 80 % of the tenants should be pleased with the art pieces. And it should not - of course - cost too much.

Tomorrow I'll let you in on my thoughts behind my suggestion and show you the 11 sketches I presented.

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