Good things:
- Camilla's exhibition opens tomorrow at Nya Stadsgalleriet in Halmstad, Sweden
- I painted a lot today feeling it's heading somewhere - and also managed to make some children's book figures (when waiting for the paint to dry)
- to listen to Moma's conversations with contemporary artists (podcast): Swoon
Bad things
- My job applications are not even being read (in my mail program I can chose the option to get a message when my mails have been opened - I can also see when they've been deleted without being read)
- The apartment is very cold - and it costs too much to have the electric heaters on daytime
- I can not go and see Camilla's exhibit
You're so sweet :)
En bra sak är att det snart är december och att du kommer till Göteborg, jag har redan bestämt med Eric att vi tre ska ses i min studio då.
those snakes! just wait until you're the director of a prestigious gallery and they come to you looking for jobs. then you can delete their e-mails!
ohh dear... 'keep calm and carry on'
this is going to be my mantra for the next couple of months...
focus on the positives like that little guy of your childrens book :) i loooove him so much :)
the world economy is in the shitter it might take a bit, but persistence is talents bff. I completely feel your pain of cold apartment and lack of funds. Good things will happen. I would disable that setting on outlook its not good for the psyche. I love that little illustration btw.
I truly hope you can get through this hard time... when it's over let's have a toast and a laugh, ok?
Charrow - I think I'll keep that function anyway. you know why you sometimes wonder we they don't call you for your interview as you really fulfiled the requirements and you put so much time on your application..? Now I know that it was not because my application wasn't good enough. They just didn't read it. (though that pisses me off. I never ever won at any lottery, which isn't good in this case - as it's clearly a lottery)
Bra och dåliga ...
Men den där bilden är bara BRA!
Nu kan jag se bilderna, härligt luftiga, mycket rörelse, roligt att se! Frös som en hund en vårmånad i London, det var min laptop som höll mig varm, hade inte heller råd att värma upp så mycket. Fattar inte varför inte tvåglasfönster slagit igenom. Det kommer bättre tider, på alla sätt.
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