Wednesday, December 21, 2011

e-course Art as Business

Ever felt like you have this great talent and persistency but it’s like you’re not getting anywhere? Or perhaps you suspect that you might be spending time on the wrong tasks?
Or perhaps you have this dream you would love to make true, but in some weird way you are not able to liberate the time to get started? Or that no matter what you seem to do you just manage to keep the immediate future in view and never shape any long lasting plans as you just react to urgencies? Roll up your sleeves, put on your boxing gloves and join the e-course Art as Business at Camp Pikaland to get in control, make the right choices and beat procrastination!
Proper goal setting, research, planning and time management are crucial in order to get somewhere. Art as Business is an e-course about defining your Master Plan to reach your goals as an artist or illustrator and getting the tools to do do. This e-course will help you put together a master plan and structure yourself to follow it through. And I will guide you.


Lotte said...

OH YES I do!!!!!!!!!...I have 2 check up on Pikaland...Have a super-sweet Christmas girl & all the best to U and Ur art 2012 ;)

Sara said...

This sounds like a great course! I've enjoyed reading your art as business series (only 'found' you last week, so have been catching up with your blog), you make some interesting and helpful points. And although I could definitely do with some help in taking my art forward, unfortunately I'm not able to do the e-course due to financial reasons. And thank you for the comment on my blog, can't wait to see your sketchbook project work! ~ Sara