To celebrate the 500 post anniversary I'm going to have a little "give away": a petroleum blue superhero t-shirt (size M, woman), post cards, surprise screenprint, tiles, ... and maybe more. "All you have to do" is to leave a comment by October 9 and tell me when you started to read my blogg, why you still read it - and convince me why YOU should win. This is not going to be a lottery. No - I will chose the winner I think deservs it best! (this is how give-aways should be ... not just being lucky .... need I tell you I never win on lottery?)
... and to win you don't have to make up a story about following since my very first post!
I appreciate honesty and/or a good laugh instead...
Ah man! I never win lotteries either!
You never came back to tell me why you blog, but I have my answer here.
I don't remember when I started to follow your blog exactly, less than a year ago. I think I found a link on Camilla's blog. You were still in London then and it seemed to be hard for you. You were really honest about it and I liked that. I remember one post where you burned some drawings and I thought you had a lot of spunk. I find blogs to be sometimes a bit too happy-sunny-everything-is-finy. Yours is not, not always anyway...
And of course there is your unique art. You don't follow trends, you do your own thing and it's gorgeous. Plus, your work process is as interesting.
Ok, that's enough buttering up :)
Happy 500th post!
lotteries are always fun...unless you win a stoning.
i literally just started following your blog three days ago. i had recently tried creating my own art blog and had been looking around for some interesting blogs to follow. i found your blog through camilla engman's.
anyway, in the three days i've been reading your blog, i've found it not only interesting but very informative. you have a lot of great ideas and pointers about getting into galleries and earning money with your art. i've realized doing this isn't going to be very easy, but it's nice to know someone else has already experienced it (and blogged about it in detail). in just the three days i feel like i know and am a lot more prepared for things now than if i hadn't found your blog.
also, i love getting stuff in the mail. don't deny me of that.
I started reading your blog as a link from Camilla Engman's blog. I was so captivated by your work that I kept coming back abd then i found the writting to be sincere and honest and now I am a regular. I am really enjoying the getting work in galleries, how do we survive fincancially as artist series. You are admitting to all my fears and hangups and I really appreciate that. I appreciate that you also state that these people in control of the wall space can be cruel and indiffernt but can also be helpful and unique, giving me both validation and hope. You are the super hero that you paint in many ways.
I first found you through a link from Camilla Engman's blog. Your work kept me coming back, fabulous. then I realised the writting was honest, sincere, not bull. I am really enjoying the series on finding a gallery, it speaks to my fears and experiences and frustrations in this area. I have been a regular for about three months, thank you for sharing and congrads on the blogging, on being so open.
Sorry I resonded twice thought I had not gotten this crazy system to work and then there were two, yikes
Men gu´ va gott! Grattis till 500 poster :)
hmmmm why do I follow your blog.....and when did I start.....I don't know when I started. I blogged you and added a link on my blog list. You keep posting new things and I keep clicking over to see what you have added. You see, I use my blog as a source for myself to keep up on what I like. Your work is much different than mine, but I relate to your ideas and focus. Also your art is unique and fresh. Your writing is generous insofar as you share thoughts that are personal and sometimes vulnerable, while also being optimistic, and with creative problem solving.
Det verkar som om Camilla Engman gör bra reklam för din blogg. Vi är många som har hittat hit den vägen. Jag kom hit för ca en månad sedan, började läsa dina söndagsinlägg om livet som konstnär och blev fast. Jag är ständigt på jakt efter ALLT jag kan läsa om ämnet och du skriver bra. Dessutom gillar jag dina bilder.
OMG, you're doing a giveaway too???? great! i'd better link it on my next post :) of course i'm in!
500!? That's mighty impressive.
What keeps me coming back time and time again to your blog? I guess that is down to the fact that I charmingly never know what I might find... diversity aplenty, frankness, too, and creativity in seeming spades.
Here's to 500 more... please... please.
g xo
(I am using some of your photographs sent to me long ago. I will show you soon.)
(Buttered up yet? Too thick? Or, should I add a lashing of raspberry jam?)
just read your post properly... actually, don't include me in this one because you've already given me lots of your wonderful art. i know, i'm so fortunate :)
but i'll tell you the simple reasons why i follow your blog anyway::::
:: your art is beautiful and unique
:: so is your sense of humour
:: i feel lucky to have met you in person (hope we meet again someday :)
:: your honesty, truthfulness
well, i could go on, but i won't hehehe
do you realize you'll have a tough time choosing a winner here? :)
Femhundra inlägg - WOW!!!!!!!!!
Få se nu, Jag hittade dig så klart genom Camilla Engmans blogg. Och sen ville jag bara titta in till dig flera gånger i veckan...och sen åka till Göteborg och pratas vid på riktigt!
Det är ev frän grej det här med blogg, bilder och text, dokumentation och kommunikation. jag gillar det - mycket!
vad roligt med 500 inlägg, jag är snart där jag med! vet inte hur jag hittade din blogg men jag minns att jag fastnade direkt för dina fantastiska akvareller. Hur de påminde mig om Marlene Dumas. Sen har jag hängt kvar och följt dig och ditt stretande som du så ärligt beskriver. jag tycker om att läsa dina inlägg likväl som titta på dina målningar. och att träffa dig var verkligen jätteroligt. och jag hoppas vi ses snart igen:) och nu glömde jag nästan det jag gillar mest, din humor! jag menar, se bara på detta, att du ska välja ut vinnarna!
i found you a little over a year ago through your comment on one of esti's posts. it made me laugh so hard i knew i was going to love your work and of course i did. i admire your ability to make serious work while keeping your tongue-in-cheek humor about you. it's an excellent combination, especially when you can throw coffee in the face of your own invention. you are extraordinarily skilled, but not pretentious, and that is another good combination. quite simply i just love coming here. whenever i've left your blog i feel like i've had a good meal of wit, talent and soul. keep going, alexandra!
congratulations on your 500th post! it is a lot of work to blog. but it does bring in a good amount of happy in return. i keep coming back because your artwork is alluring, provocative, and always makes me want to see more. these are the qualities that turn me on in a piece. and, i dig super heroes. i always say i am my own super hero because i survived breast cancer. so i especially love your super heroes. have fun with your next 500 posts. may your journey be beautiful!
I started reading your blog when I started blogging last March. I rember Tiny Red recieved a parcel from you and I loved your work and thought she was lucky to have a superhero for a friend.
So congrats on 500 posts! And thank you for sharing it all and most recently your helpful series on art galeries, time management etc.(:
G-sus Super girl...
I have been following your blog for "ages"...Found you via Camilla...It was one of your comments on her blog that nearly made me drop my coffee...from laughing...
1) SO Super *black* humour...like
2) Your girls remind me of Mr. F. Bacon work...like
3) Your honesty when you comment...like
4) Great cutouts...like
5) I use M size...in SUPER nice HERO t-shirts
5 1/2) Petroleum is a mix from green and blue...
6) Emagine your work in DK "on persona"...can you ask for better advertisement...
Superhugs ;)))))
I also use M size in Tiles!!!!!!!
I sure could use a bite of that 500 post cake...
I don't remember when or how I found your blog. Memory is not my strongest point. I remember that everybody's blogs portrayed a life that didn't ressemble mine; of course, they were better , they were all more crafted than me and better artists. Of course, you are too, but you see the shadows of things and often acknowledge life as not being perfect. I like to see flaws here and then, human flaws anyway. Apart from that, you have a very strong style, direct, agressive... Your appretiations sound as those of an elder sister to me (although I'm probably older than you). Your blog is the place where you tell me you are struggling to have the life you want, as you want it, nothing else. And I surely like that.
That's a deal then Fruenswerk - I'll post you some of the cake!
Ohh I like that you're making us work for the prize! :) I started reading your blog probably about a week ago and was really interested in your Sunday series. I'm a textile art student and am always looking for this sort of stuff, REAL, honest info, you know? That's hard to find!
So I passed the link on to others in my class including my instructors and everyone has been talking about your posts. It's really given us something to discuss.
So there...no funny story, just good old fashioned inspirational stuff (you inspiring us). PS I linked over from Camilla's blog.
ah... this is why they have lotteries...
I have to chose. ShiT. Many packages?
I can't remember when I started looking at your blog - but I have been in and out of here since about Feb this year, I think. Well, thereabouts. I visit about once a week - especially to read your Sunday post, and then scroll down to see what I've missed - I really like the look of your paintings - they are very powerful.
Okay, so I need to convince you that I need to win?! I guess I need to win because I am not a very convincing person - so your superhero t-shirt will give me confidence and some superpowers to achieve what I'd like to achieve!
First off, happy 500th! Congrats!
How long have I been reading? Well that's tough to say. Maybe a year or so?
Nah...I suppose it's been longer than a year. Heck. I don't know.
I read your blog because the story you tell isn't one of perfection and happy times and neat and tidy and easy and beautiful.
You're honest and witty and heart-strong/head-strong. You tell the truth about art-making and art-making-stuggles. You play (especially when you collaborate with your son) and you create most wonderful paintings and prints.
You're passionate about what you do and that inspires me greatly.
I especially like when you get angry and rant a bit! I live vicariously through you.
As you know, I already own two of your tiles and even a t-shirt! But hell, I'm greedy. I'd love more of your artwork. It makes me happy.
Here's to 500 more posts!
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