...so what about the job interview?
It was my first real job interview in six years: so I babbled. I think I made quite a whimsical impression. Anyhow - I am still pleased with the art activities I designed and I know I would do an outstanding job if they hire me. (nothing wrong with the self-confidence)
Or maybe there is an even better job out there waiting for me - and this was my opportunity to learn by my mistakes?
Thank you all for crossing your fingers for me!
I'm sure you'll be perfect for a job post involving children art activities! I wish you luck!
i love the 'whimsical impression' bit. you crack me up dear! :)
Stærk måde at betragte situationen på. Positiv til det sidste:-) Trés Cool ;-) Held og lykke - jeg glæder mig til du fortæller, at du har fået jobbet :-)
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