... and
KKV. This photo is the view from KKV (artist-run collective workshops) a cold day in February when I was working with my enamels. Tonight is
Cultural night in Gothenburg and there is a lot to do - at KKV for example.
... but I'm in London and just hoping someone will be blogging about it - for me to read at least (
Bibbi hopefully -
Konstepidemin will always be up to something)
Hi, I have published some spreads of my artdiary in my blog, check it out :D it's my first time
Sorry sorry! Jag hasade hem till soffa igår, i regnet och blåsten, och kunde inte få fram energin att gå ut igen. Ledsen att göra dig besviken. Och på Konstepidemin hade Henrik Cederblom hemlig gäst som ryktades kunde vara Freddie Wadling. Inte ens det fick upp mig!
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