Most people wore black clothes.
The amount of Galleries and different artists was tiring.
Or rather - I am surprised that they can not solve it in a better way.
To make it easier and funnier to see. I mean - can't they show some creativity there? (of course I am aware it's a fair - not a biennial. But anyway?)
I saw a lot that didn't impress me (I'm a hard one to impress). But some good stuff also. Or OK.
Jeremy Dickinson is quite fun
jon pylypchuk made me smile
galleryske had a great art piece by Sudarshan Shetty
Frances Stark
... unfortunately I do not find any websites for many other artists I thought worth mentioning.
oh i know what you mean. i was there last year and the year before. it is quite tiring. overdose, really :)
I don't quite like this kinda place/act... I don't like to have a lot to see at the same time... although there's always something worthy, I'd rather check galleries... :)
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