autumn calls for starting new projects or at least starting with new notebooks and such. I just bought my very first two moleskine sketchbooks.

I use the small one for my children's book project. With moving and everything I haven't really managed to advance with this project - but I'm convinced the new sketchbook will solve this. I scanned all the characters I've made and printed them out small and cut and glued them into my small sketchbook...

... to further develop the story.
Everyone seem to be into moleskines -
moleskine's project to see what other use theirs for. They
travel as well.
House of Illustration is having a competition
"What Are You Like?"
a beautiful start to your moleskines, alexandra. love these drawings. i hope you'll share your children's story here when you've finished :)
awwwwww, WONDERFUL!!!!!!!! your first moleskine!!???WOW! i'm so excited to see more now :D
I can't wait to have a better view of this story :)
Det ser fantastisk ud! Jeg glæder mig til at se mere.
Jeg håber du trives vel i UK:)
yes, this is a total cult those moleskines. I am a bit weary to start a new one since the last precious has soaked in the Serpentine, sigh. Great little men in the last shot!
Det här ser bara så bra ut - jag gillar verkligen bilderna till detta projekt!
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