... is to continue on this painting.
What I DO is to fill Application forms where they ask for Your FULL employment history (paid and voluntary) since ever (+ duty description) also accounting for time not employed (if longer than 2 weeks).
And addresses - and salaries.
When that is done: "Explain how you meet the requirements and person specifications. You must address ALL the items on the list." (the list is 2-3 pages) And the forms are locked and with different tables - so even if you can reuse some information ... you will have to cut and glue 4 words at a time. I have 15 jobs to list + description of my four years as a self-employed artist (more than 20 clients). Hahaha!
Does anyone enjoy doing these kind of things?
I need the perspective from yesterday.
Studio Violet has opened a shop - if anyone missed it!
yikes, chores-chores. Sounds like I are applying to immigration service of some sort, not a job.
Det låter otroligt jobbigt. Jag skulle nog bara komma ihåg hälften.
Lycka till med ansökningarna, både med ifyllandet och att få själva det du söker :)
Hmmm, for me, things like this are a nightmare. And I´m afraid, soon I´ll be in a similar situation like you ( maybe )
it is quite frustrating isn't it? as they say, looking for a job is a full time job...
well, fingers crossed it won't be long before you get a cool job! chin up and positive thoughts :)
Thank you all for chearing me up!
Andrea - hope you will not have to be in the same situation. It is nighmarish... you want to do more creative things, right?
Åh, så jobbigt...jag lider med dig...men du måste ju...och vi vill ju muntra upp dig här!!!!!!!!!
Håll på med ansökningarna på förmiddagarna så det är gjort och känn dig "duktig" sen. Och tänk att detta bara får ta en viss tid per dag...
Kämpa på, om några månader har du fått jobb och har detta bakom dig:)))
Ujuj, stackars dig! Håller med Marie-Louise, all energi får väl inte gå åt till blanketterna. I bästa fall kan man få syssla med återblickar och sortera upp sina erfarenheter mentalt av sånt göra. Hoppas det är nån bra nytta med det!
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