Thursday, May 02, 2013

bottled music

On our fourth and last workshops (last week) we visited the little princesse's house again. By now the children knew how the the story went in the tiny book - or at least the start. What came after was different every time. Or as a girl said " we went on a new adventure"
This time we were led to glittering bottles in a tree
and filled them with water and magic drops that gave colour and ...
that extra beautiful sound when we made music on them ...

This was my last workshop with the preschool. It's the first time I make a series of workshops like this - so site specific and focused on experience - and I've been enjoying every second!

And I'm happy to tell that I get to make a suggestion for a public art piece for this preschool's new premises (it's being constructed right now)! I've now got six weeks to come up with something.


K R I S T I I N A said...

så najs!!

Ingela Jonasson said...

Åh så fint! Och roligt verkar det vara också - jag vill också vara med!

Anonymous said...

Lucky kids! :-)

Gracia said...

I would loved to have been a part of this, now and then. Beautiful photos of the coloured musical instruments. One can almost imagine their chime.

Unknown said...

How did you approach the school? So cool!

Alexandra Hedberg said...

Lela, I didn't approach the preschool myself. It was the art superintendent at the municipal who did it - as this was a pre-study for a public commission