Wednesday, December 05, 2012

I'm still around ...

November blogging was all time low for me - only comparable to vacation month July - but I can assure you I haven't been on vacation ... It's been Pecha Kucha presentation, cultural entrepreneur seminar, completing my art book, two screen printing workshops (long weekends), guest teaching screen printing a week in Lidköping, writing children's book scripts and sketching characters,  attending lectures and workshops in children's books - and working on my art... Probably something more I've done too, that I can't remember right now. 

But December should "only" be dedicated to illustrating my children's book (script ready!) and working with my art/preparing for my upcoming exhibition (opening February 9) at Galleri Jeanette Ölund in Borås. So book that date and spread the word - it will be my best exhibition ever and I want the opening to be super crowded!

1 comment:

Christine Clemmensen said...

Hvor lyder det spændende - så mange skønne projekter du laver