Tuesday, March 15, 2011


This morning I went to my frame-maker, just to learn he had used black frame instead of white... But as I have taken the decision to see everything in more a positive way, I was very happy I hadn't postponed the picking up until the very day I was to hang the exhibition! (now he has got the time to make it right)
I then spend most of the day packing the paintings/prints I already had framed and decided what works together. (I hope I'll get it all into the car.)

Yesterday I started a birthday-painting for my son. He will soon turn 6 and he wants a lego-painting (which also means lego-videogame-painting). Today I continued. I have just one more day, next week, to finish it. It's not supposed to be a "proper art piece", but being familiar with Petri Hytönens lego paintings it's very hard for me not getting more ambitious than I should... (my son has also seen Hytönen's paintings ...)

I enjoy painting the little lego figures, but the lego pieces themselves .. Nay...

1 comment:

louise said...

Best of luck with the car packing, there is a mighty lot to fit in there. xolj PS I'm sure your son will love the new painting.