Last weekend I took a course in how to master the cutting plotter at KKV. It's amazing what you can do with it; cut any letters and shapes, big or small. You can also use the cutting plotter to get a new hair cut really cheap (see instructions on top photo).
I'm planning to use it for cutting stencils for commissions, but also my own art. It's very tempting to get into street art thanks to the stickers you can make with the plotter. So I'm not going to show you what I made (better not leaving any evidence here). Just keep your eyes open! (The photo of the hand shows an artist collegues working with her image. )
jag väntar med spänning!
plotter är roligt! fast jag vågar knappt tänka på allt man skulle kunna göra, för hur skulle man få tid med det också då :)
i'd love to see your stencils - oh, i bet you make excellent street art..
Fantastisk at lære nye teknikker. (jeg tror jeg holder mig til min frisør - det gjorde helt ondt at se på advarslen på øverste billede. av av).
Glæder mig til at se mere plotter-værk :-)
oh my! I would love to do some street art too!! I'm pretty sure yours will be outstanding!
... and as for that haircut... phew it looks a little painful...
yes I would pass on the haircut!
It's always so nice to learn new techniques. Looking forward to see what you will do with that new tool.
Plotter, plotter...tänk vad mycket kul man kan göra... Och nu kan du det!
kolla vad som hände med en av mina utskrifter: http://www.hellomustafa.com/2009/05/plotter-klotter.html
hälsar personen med handen
Wow, nice! What a cool machine!
Plotter! Vad kul. Så mycket det finns att lära sej.....
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