Thursday, May 26, 2011

obsessed by aluminium

I must admit that I'm someone who can get totally obsessed by things. Right now it's the aluminium (metal in general probably): the shine and the aesthetics of the backsides (the welding, screws and distances). I've tried working with glass - not me. Enamel - kind of me. Metal - me! I see so many possibilities.

[...could just be a fling. When you're in the middle of it you can not distance yourself and see what's true love and what's just infatuation. Anyway I'll enjoy it while it lasts...]


nathalie et cetera said...

c'est un projet tellement amusant ! je t'envie ce travail physique. j'ai hâte de voir le résultat final, ça va être grandiose !

We Blog Artists said...

FABULOUS project...looks amazing.

I don't think its just a fling...
