I'm in the second studio from the right |
This week I'll be having an intense working period in a guest studio at the Watercolour Museum in Skärhamn. As I have family and a kid I can normally not work in a concentrated way for hours and hours without break, but now I will for five days ... It will be heaven! (of course I do work full days in the studio normally, but what I mean is that now I won't have to quit when I 'm in a flow and I won't be distracted by everyday tasks).
I've just had a delicious dinner looking out of the window listening to Chopin's piano concertos and now I'll continue with the creative night shift ...
Vad härligt, jobba som en galning och njuuut!
Detr er ikke noget bedre end bare at kunne male uden afbrydelser...ser super ud ;=)
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