Monday, April 18, 2011

No Murphy's law so far

Today when I biked home from KKV I felt so happy - all the water cut aluminium parts for my commission were just as they should and what Arta (my metal expert and helper) had cut out looked fine too.
The four large trees are between 6 and 7 meters tall (made in three parts).
To be able to see them properly I looked from a ladder with platform.
Arta adjusts the fitting of two parts.
The orange colour on the top part of this tree is a reflection from a door.
It looks totally right though - the tree will later be painted orange!

Arta commented that we sure have a lot of time - four months - until the commission should be ready and mounted. He's not used to working with artists with these kind of generous time marginals. But I'm always planning taking Murphy's law into consideration (Everything that can possibly go wrong will go wrong). So far everything seems fine though - touch wood.


Christine Clemmensen said...

Det glæder mig meget at det glider så fint. Det er så fedt når ting bare går som det skal, uden forhindringer. Mere af det! :-))
Hvor ser det smukt ud, jeg glæder mig til at se det færdige projekt. Tillykke med det so far :-)
Og glædelig påske når du når så langt :-)

nathalie et cetera said...

c'est magistral ! et oui, tu dois être l'artiste la mieux organisée que je connaisse :)
p.s. j'aime beaucoup tes chaussures jaune.