Here we go; 2011 – a new year. (Ok, it’s already mid February but we shouldn’t get obsessed with details, should we?)
I'm happy to say that things have been working according to plans; I've already managed to secure enough incomes for 2011 (commissions, workshops, guest teaching, wall painting project within creative school - and in addition I'll get some money for selling my art of course)! A new achievement is that I will give a screenprinting workshop at
HDK (school of design and crafts) in spring and probably also give a summer course for them (teaching art at University level has been one of my goals for 2011). And I get more or less get 6 months of concentrated studio time to work on my own stuff (January and February has been two of the months).
[for anyone new to this blog - I don't have any other job]
BUT - as you might have noticed I've stopped writing my Art as Business posts. I must admit I've totally lost all my motivation (I still do all the list writing and giving myself tasks, but I don't feel like writing about it), especially now when I'm trying to concentrate on painting. I overdid it with administration, coordinating and editing in autumn and kind of developed an aversion against writing structured text. My Art as Business Interview series will continue though.