I's getting lighter, but it is still really cold. February is always the hardest month for me. I long for proper spring. So yesterday I bought myself a tulip and then I booked 5 days in May in one of the guest studios at
the Watercolour Museum in Skärhamn. (If you follow the link you'll see the brownish guest studios in the foreground in the photo of the museum.) I'll spoil myself rotten - good food and wine - and paint like crazy those days ...
I'm having intense and very concentrated days in the studio now. Today 9 hours - which of course is an exception as I have a kid.
WOW...yeah...really long days...I'm sure you're being extremely productive!
bra! vin och god mat = februariöverlevnad. tycker de 2 första veckorna gått ovanligt fort, hoppas de nästa 2 gör det också.
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