Thursday, December 30, 2010

summing up 2010

I had 3 separate exhibitions
I participated in several group exhibitions with of Fishes and Birds (new exhibition opens on Monday in Utrecht!)
I sketched for a big commission and got the contract
I gave screen printing workshops for artists and at art schools
I worked with school kids under creative school (painted murals in 3 schools) and gave workshops in connection to my exhibition.
I designed a family for Esti's "We are a happy Family" card game
I draw Nurse Ratched for Postcards to Alphaville  - and designed a coffin for Happy Journey Collective
I coordinated seminars and was editor for a booklet within the projects Beyond Words (about quality concept within fine arts) 

I got listed as number One on "Great Blogs from Artists Entrepreneurs" and started a series of Art as Business Interviews here on my blog.


Daniel Milton said...

Inspirerande, bra jobbat! Och vad fin hon nursen var, fick mig att tänka på Bacons påvar. Gott nytt år!

Alexandra Hedberg said...

Japp, Daniel - det var Bacons påvar som var inspirationen. Nure Ratched är ju inte precis trevlig!

Gott Nytt År på dig!

Gisizee said...

Alexandra, this summary of your varied and impressive accomplishments for 2010 is an inspiration! You should be proud of all you have to show, which was certainly as much a result of your many talents as basic hard work and sharp wits about the business side of the creative life!

Congratulations! And all the best to you for 2011.

Priya Sebastian said...

You are inspiring! That is why I visit your wonderful blog.
Wish you another fulfilling year in 2011.

Camilla Engman said...

Ett bra år kan man säja :)
Skål för ett ännu bättre 2011!
Ett 2011 som förhoppningsvis inkluderar några fler "fikor".

Sherman Unkefer said...

Very nice blog. That is why I visit your wonderful blog.

marie-louise said...

Guuuuuuud så mycket du har hunnit med! Härligt (i efterhand).

We Blog Artists said...

HUgs and thanks for the last one...

Christine Clemmensen said...

Woah! Sikke et år! Tillykke, og ønsker om succesfyldt 2011 :-)

Esti said...

you have accomplished so much! here's to another year of great art!

●• Thereza said...

so wonderful to see it all together like a 2010 success timeline... congrats on everything!

Lotte said...

I love with that nurse...Great photos...with all your supernice things :) as always :)