Thursday, December 09, 2010

sometimes I'm not working ...

Ok, I am working right now. And this autumn/winter very often too much. Then I forget too see things, to notice.I feel a second new year promise taking shape (the best ones you're not making up the last day of the year): take the time to see what's around me, to do something else.

If you are in Göteborg don't forget to visit the Christmas Market Julform this weekend! Cecilia and friends are arranging it so it' s going to be really good.

For more winter inspiration see Thereza's Christmas' calender of winter drawings


gracia said...

New ways of seeing... yep, essential to all making. Feeling snowed under here, assessing student work before the year runs away from me... and making time to garden before the sun sets.

be well, busy one...

Esti said...

I would say there's no need to feel guilty about working so much that you don't stop to notice things. There will come a time for that too, I'm sure. You are great at noticing and it'll come to you naturally again.

Christine Clemmensen said...

Jeg virkede heller ikke idag :-)

Et smukt nytårsfortsæt - at lægge mærke til verden.

Jeg ville ønske jeg kunne være i den knappebutik lige nu (og i timevis) Wow.

●• Thereza said...

hmmm pretty much the same here... it's been so hectic i'm also feeling that need to slow down and notice things, do stuff non work related, etc

maybe in the we should arrange / allocate one day a month, like a 'do something different' day and post it on our blogs, so we stick to the commitment...?

hope you're well, my lovely friend :) and thanks so much for linking my calendar! glad you're enjoying it!