So - as I've taken the time to put some of my works on Saatchi online gallery I decided to submit one of my works to their "showdown" (the painting above from last year). I 've done it before, but without telling anyone. (Smart) But ... these showdowns are based on that you have a big network to vote for you. And that you tell them. So now I tell. To vote for me (preferably giving me the highest vote) click
here. Feel free to let other people know. It will be interesting to see if it will make any difference.
I see Saatchi Online Gallery mostly as an interesting phenomena; there are "art works" of varying quality. So far I've gotten one person "interested in your work" - another similar online gallery in Germany! These online galleries are popping up everywhere. But do they help artists to sell their work? And what about quality? What are your experiences?
i gave you a 10 :)
it was wonderful to see so many of your paintings in one place and to read your impressive biography, too. your work is so ethereal and haunting and soaked in such bold color... i love it!
I hope the 10 I just gave you leads you somewhere :)
I think I had seen some of the pieces before, but that Miffy one really got my eye... I find your women strong and disturbing... Or maybe it's just the effect of your bold use of color. :)
You have my vote too...Like the paint a lot...Your girls makes me think of Francis Bacon...I have a poster in my kitchen with faces made by him and Marlene Dumas from Malmö Kunsthall/1995 (det unika med at vara en människa) My parents bought it for me :D
i voted!!!!! 10 from me too! :)
good luck dear!
jag har röstat på dig!
Hörde talas om saatchi för ett tag sen via en av mina vänner som lagt upp sina arbeten. verkar ändå som en mötesplats och det är ju spännande. Men vad otroligt mycket arbeten det var upplagt där! Du måste rapportera vidare om resultatet. jag tror att internet ger konsten ett uppsving.
Föör övrigt är den där gula färgen helt fantastisk.
And my ten points goes to .... alexandra! Som sagt, fortsätt rapportera, det är spännande.
I've been in the art business for many years and the new trend I see are these uncurrated upload galleries. It's like a fea market and it leaves the collector totally innundated.
I'n not sure what the purpose is here.
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