First there was the preschool summer party in the forest with hot dogs, then I met Camilla in her studio for more refined food. June is turning out to be an excellent month!
When I was a kid I hated hot dogs - and it was served at every party, every barbecue and every excursion. I didn't like ketchup or mustard ... so I grilled the bread and ate it alone... But I always loved cheese though. Wine, that came later ...
My kids loved hotdogs! They insisted on having them every Friday evening - and they would eat 4 or 5 each! I can't stand hotdogs though ... These days only Snous eats them - she gets a piece for a special treat.)
I'm an artist - this is where I show my work in progress, post photos from my everyday life as an artist and write about art. I've been supporting myself as an artist for the last 14 years and I want to share my strategies and experiences as I work to achieve more - and that inside information I wish I had had 15 years ago.
Maybe that's because it's just skit in hotdogs. The parts of animals that no one want's to äta. Skin and bones and trynes and stuff.
This is too funny, it's just like when I was a kid (well also the wine came later for me) ;-)
tack för en trevlig kväll, hoppas du kom hem ordentligt :)
seriously? you have hot dogs in sweden? i thought it was just some horrid american thing. i had no idea it was a worldwide preschool phenomenon!
June is one of my favourite months... though mine involves the wearing of scarves. Always so many good things to do and places to see.
that plate is perfect.
xo Alison
My kids loved hotdogs! They insisted on having them every Friday evening - and they would eat 4 or 5 each!
I can't stand hotdogs though ... These days only Snous eats them - she gets a piece for a special treat.)
Sånt där porslin har jag med tänkte jag säga.
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